1. Remember Me

  2. OR   



Collect five Crude Spears and five Crude Sheilds from the Longnose.


There is talk in Xanjuis Karr that the Dustsnout greatly expanded their technology during the Great Silence. My cousin, Yarak, was promoted to Scholar for his research into these advances. To hear Yarak speak, I half expected to see them clad in plate mail and firing trebuchets, but these Longnose carry little more than pointed sticks and blocks of clay. Collect any weapons that you can find and return them to me so they may be scryed. Maybe we’ll be as fortunate as Yarak.
I will need more than that if I am to add a new scrying to our collection.
The scryings from these artifacts will find a place of great importance in our collection.


  • None


  • 2970 experience
  • 2 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 18
- Requires level 15
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Neolithic
  2. Weaponmaster Farjak
  3. Pride of the Goxan