1. Remember Me

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  • Male
  • 24 Years Old
  • Narrows, VA
  • US
  • Quote "The forecast calls for fire, Flames sound nice..."
  • Plays: MMO's. Currently playing World of Warcraft, very little.
  • Interests: My kids, Gaming, Music
  • Offline
About Me:

I'm a 24 years old. I have a college degree for Computer troubleshooting and tech support. I currently work for a company called Forensic Computers. I am married to a beautiful woman and have 2 beautiful boys. I love my life and couldn't be more grateful for everything that i have.

My passion, besides my wife and kids, are playing music and gaming. Since the family life requires so much of my attention , my music has been put aside( for the most part) and i now just play my games when i can :). I love MMO's. I played Everquest 1 for around 5-6 years, and still get in there every now and then. Since EQ I've participated in many beta's for many games. I am currently playing World of Warcraft, though i don't play much, not much of a desire in that game anymore. I usually just log on to run with my friends then log. I love trying all of the new MMO's i can, and i have to say that now Alganon is on the top of my list I am really looking forward to it.

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