1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Pigwallow Soil


Collect twenty Pigswallow Soil and return them to Healer Hemishra.


It is rumored that the soil in Pigswallow has potent healing properties but I am unable to gather enough samples in order to make an accurate determination. The soil you are looking for are scattered throughout Pigswallow. I require only the finest samples that have not been spoiled by the Mushtusk. Bring them to me and I will attempt to uncover the exact properties of this dirt.
I will need many samples in order to conduct my investigation.
Some of these samples should suit my needs. Thank you.



  • 3610 experience
  • 7 60
Quest Facts

- Level: 22
- Requires level 19
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes