1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Poor Bears of the Forest


Gather three Harrow Stag Flanks and place it on a rock near the Hungry Shrill Bears.


Perhaps you have seen the majestic Shrill Bear in your travels. The bears used to roam the Shrills freely, but their numbers are dwindling. The remaining bears look weak and I fear their food supply is being threatened. Bring the bears some Harrow Stag Flanks. You can find them between the Shrill Rolls and the coast. Be warned, these bears are wild and prized by Triasha. Keep your distance when you feed them.
These bears will need food to survive.
The bears grumble in the distance as they smell fresh meat.


  • None


  • 2010 experience
Quest Facts

- Level: 12
- Requires level 11
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes