1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Getting Your Feet Wet


Collect twelve Trapjaw teeth for Arbiter Ayin in Phenos.


Ghazmok watches over the strong. He helps those who help themselves. The High Arbiter has sent me a message that you may be interested in. It states that Ghazmok has chosen our people to be tested. We are to prove our worth to the Winnower of Souls. We are chosen. The river to the east is home to the Trapjaw. Bring me their teeth and we will begin the first step of our test.
You have something for me?
These teeth are an excellent patronage, but they are only the beginning. Keep an ear open for the sound of steel-against-steel, and listen well to the sound of your blade piercing flesh, for in these sounds you may hear the voice of Ghazmok telling you to return to me for the next part of the test.


  • 2810 experience
  • 2 55
Quest Facts

- Level: 17
- Requires level 14
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes