1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Overlook Grove Supplies


Collect ten Stolen Weapons from the Sprog in Overlook Grove.


Overlook Grove used to be an outpost for Ardonya Guards, it has been many years since the Emporer's guards have passed through these lands and the outpost has fallen into disrepair. I worry the Sprog have found the old weapons cache and could use the weapons to attack us. See if you can recover some of these stolen weapons for us.
Have you found any of those weapons?
So, the Sprog did find the weapons cache! At least these weapons won't do them any good.



  • 2010 experience
  • 1 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 12
- Requires level 11
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes