1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Silence Ends


Kill eight Nidgit Vandals.


A decade ago, these lands were fertile, well groomed, the pride of Harraja, but they have not aged well, friend. The ten years we spent in the Great Silence has been too long. Without our guidance, these lands have fallen into disarray. The Ogran were proud warriors when we started the Great Silence, and now they are cowards - afraid to stop even these vile Nidgit from vandalizing these lands. The Great Silence has ended, friend. We will return these lands to their former glory.
Show those Ogran how to deal with these Nidgit Vandals.
Nidgit and Ogran alike will take heed of your actions.


  • None


  • 410 experience
  • 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 1
- Requires level 1
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Idle Ogran
  2. The Silence Ends
  3. License to Kill
  4. Talrok Taskmaster
  5. New Orders