1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Mother of all Warclaw


Submit Mother Warclaw and establish dominance over the lesser kits.


Most of the Warclaw that Hunter Alvaris has delivered to the camp could be broken, but I sense that they still have a spark of disobedience that will fester in their souls. There is a great cat who stalks the den not far from here. It is said she is the matriarch of this entire pride and as long as she roams free her offspring will never be tamed. As skilled as Tulvaki is in the methods of breaking Warclaw I do not think that this one will be subdued by any normal means. Find Mother Warclaw in her den and force her to submit. When the pride sees that even the great Mother cannot stand against us they will soon fall in to line.
Is it done?
From what you have described, it seems that you brought her near to death before her will was finally broken! You have done well, Kujix. Now Hunter Alvaris will be able to venture closer to the den and return with even stronger Warclaw.



  • 5050 experience
  • 38 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 31
- Requires level 28
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Fortune Hunters
  2. Feline Dominance
  3. Mother of all Warclaw