1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Kujix Goods


Recover a Crate of Kujix Idols from the Fallen Tradepost.


I don’t know why, but these things seem to be pouring out of that tradepost. I wouldn’t expect these undead to be so concerned with material things. If you’re looking for those strange idols, you may want to check inside the tradepost itself. That’s where they’d keep them.
Old Man Hackman used to run this tradepost. He knew every creature, every item, every man in Asheran like he had created them himself... but when these Coven arrived, everything changed. His influence here is not forgotten. Everything of value he kept in the back of the tradepost. If you are looking for something in particular, you'll need to sift through the crates in the back.
Excellent. We’ll see to it that these idols are destroyed. But what I don’t understand is this… why the tradepost? Why here?


  • None


  • 3770 experience
  • 8 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 23
- Requires level 19
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes