1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Rift Contamination


Collect ten Glowing Skitter Heads and return them to Tyran Dawnsinger for examination.


You show great wisdom. To serve the Peacemantle is to serve all of the races of Alganon and my charge is dire. Haggon Marsh is home to all manner of beasts and demons some of which you may already be familiar. Just to the south is the Skarg Hexlar. For ages the Thornback skitter have inhabited the Hive and it has grown to hold many of their kind. These creatures are generally docile if they are not cornered but my scouts report that they have become increasingly aggressive. I fear that the Thornback may have been touched by the Rift and the contamination will spread among the Hexlar. You will learn more of this evil as you serve the Peacemantle in good faith but for now retrieve the heads of the most aggressive skitter in the Hexlar. Look for the faint glow around the head and you will know that the creature has been branded by the Rift.
Is this all you have found?
What you have brought me only confirms what the Peacemantle have suspected since our arrival. We believe that somewhere in the marsh there is a magical disturbance that has not been seen in an age. The Rift, we call it, feeds on the negative energies of this world and has been gaining in strength of some time. I have no more answers for you, but you can be sure that if it’s reach has stretched this far then no place in Haggon Marsh can be safe from it’s grasp.



Quest Facts

- Level: 31
- Requires level 28
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes