1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Quest for Fire


Collect ten Fireshell Sparkers.


Before the Great Silence, farmers in this area used the juice of the Gox Berry as a natural repellant to drive the Longnose Dustsnout from their farms. I have heard rumors that the Three Spears Ogran made a sad attempt to rebuild these devices during the Silence, but knowing the fools, I doubt they did more than stick a moth tongue on cougar stomach. Can you imagine doing something so foolish? If they really wish to repel these Dustsnout, they need to build something with some pizzazz, something with spark, something with fire! Bring me the Sparkers from 10 Fireshell beetles, and I will show you how to scare away Dustsnout.
Bring me the necessary components and I may be able to ensure the safety of the Summoning.
Excellent. These explosives should frighten off the Longnose, and just about anything else you choose to throw them at.



  • 2970 experience
  • 2 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 18
- Requires level 15
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes