1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Dry Farms


Deliver the message of prohibition to Pa Heddige.


    It’s bad enough we have to deal with these Frognar, but now the Heddiges and Coilers are fighting each other. It’s the spirits they brew, Captain Nevatru is sure of it. We have to confiscate it all, before it can do any more harm. You go and tell Pa Heddige that his Heddige Wine is now the property of the Darksea Privateers. That will put an end to this madness.



    If Captain Navatru wants this area dry, then we’ll make sure this area is dry.
    What? They already take more than half my grapes, and now they’re taking my wine, too? Fine, they can have it! They can have it all!


    • None


    • 4090 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 26
    - Requires level 23
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Frognar Brewers
    2. Frognar Brewmaster
    3. Dry Farms
    4. Big Trouble in Heddige Farms
    5. Missing Children
    6. Getting Some Answers
    7. Save the Children
    8. Safe and Sound