1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Finding a Way


Collect a Gas-Bloaded Deer Bladder, a Wax-Lined Barrel, and seven Rotten Skitter Eggs.


It’s not enough just to kill the workers. We have to take down the queen. But she’s not coming out of those tunnels, and we’re certainly not going in. We have to find a way to drive her out. The Wadahoo Sprog in the nearby quarry carry deer bladders full of the most noxious gas I've ever smelled. They love the stuff. I'm sure if we mixed that gas with some rotten eggs from the back in the brush, we'd have a stench so foul it would kill an Arvak. We'll need something to keep it in, though, something that will trap the stench inside until we can release it into the hive. I'm pretty sure I saw a barrel nearby that would do the trick.
The Sprog Gas and Barrel you can find at the Norvale Quarry to the North. As for the Skitter eggs, it’s back into the brush for you.
If you think these things smell foul on their own, wait until we mix them together.


  • None


  • 5050 experience
  • 38 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 31
- Requires level 28
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Another Bug Hunt
  2. Finding a Way
  3. Smoke 'em Out