1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Beetle Mania


Kill twenty Muckskim Beetles in Hoggish Snear.


The hogs and beetles here have a devious symbiotic relationship. The beetles burrow in to the ground and flood the low lying areas in Pigswallow producing a thick muck that the Mushtusk seem to love. If the beetles are allowed to remain alive they will continue to burrow and flood the fields that we plant and turn them in to a slurry of mud and filth. If we intend to reclaim this land we cannot allow them to remain here.
How many have you killed?
I can already see the waters receding from Pigwallow! This is only a start, but soon we will have driven hem all out.


  • 3610 experience
  • 7 60
Quest Facts

- Level: 22
- Requires level 19
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes