1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Degaussed Diet


Bring ten Rutguz Livers to Tracker La’arak.


The worms of this lair have had their very essence altered by the consumption of Stormthrow flesh. This may please the Woe-bringers of Vakgarr, but it is a hindrance to me. Collect the liver of the Ratguz Nidget. Bring them to me. I will use them to draw these worms from the soil and put an end to their transformation.
The Rutguz Nidgit were last seen raiding the camp at Rumble Hill. These worms seem to have acquired a taste for their livers.
These morsels will serve well as bait for my trap.


  • None


  • 3290 experience
  • 7
Quest Facts

- Level: 20
- Requires level 17
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. You Are What You Eat
  2. Degaussed Diet