1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Making Sense of It


Use the Stone of Kajixar to translate the Bloody Omen.


How odd. Those bloody marks do seem to form words, but they appear to be in Ancient Ogran… I doubt there is anyone alive who can read the Ancient Ogran script, but there is still a way we can uncover the knowledge written here… there is always a way. To the North of here was once a tower owned by a Philomath of Xukiss named Kajixar. She had in her possession a powerful stone that allowed her to translate the writings of the Ancient Ogran. The tower is gone, the skitter have torn it down and carried away the very foundations, but even the strongest of skitter lacks the power to move the Stone of Kajixar. Find the stone, and use it to translate these divinations.
Millions of words in thousands of languages flood your mind as you approach the stone.
As you step within range of the stone, the words written on the Bloody Omen change into words you recognize.


  • None


  • 670 experience
  • 60
Quest Facts

- Level: 12
- Requires level 9
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Animal Divination
  2. Making Sense of It
  3. The Runes Say
  4. Smart Pills