1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Unnatural Selection


Kill ten Vicious Trapdoor Crawlers and their queen, Mistress Eesha.


During the Great Silence, however, the Spindlesilk were nearly lost to extinction. Their numbers dwindled so rapidly that other solutions were tried. A poacher named Maan’dal brought a queen Trapdoor spider from Deneb Juxx and let her go inside a Spindlesilk nest. The two species began to interbreed, but instead of Trapdoor spiders with Spindlesilk glands, we got Spindlesilk spiders with the hostility of the Trapdoor. Maan’dal called the queen Eesha. Find her. Kill her and her vile offspring.
The Trapdoor are not only vicious killers, but they are also competing for the resources the Spindlesilk need to live. They must be eliminated.
If only the pure Spindlesilk were not so afraid... if only they could be domesticated.



  • 3770 experience
  • 8 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 23
- Requires level 20
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes