1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Worth Your Salt


Collect five Freshly Mined Salt from the deposits in the Salty Pools.


You don’t mind a little manual labor, do ya? Good! I don’t plan on losing any more of my men out here. Strong backs for pennies ain’t easy to come by out in these parts. I only need a few more pounds of salt to complete this week’s shipment. You look like you can handle yourself with those beasts.
Don’t make me late, worm. Brennon expects results.
Haven’t you ever mined salt before? I think you managed to bring half of Rocky Shore back with you. Never mind that, we’ve got other problems.



  • 2650 experience
  • 2 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 16
- Requires level 14
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes