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A Hastened Escape


Question Windmaster Banu in Xanjuix Karr.


    There was no sign of this relic that you are seeking? Generally the Ogran are not fleet of foot and if they needed to make an escape it may be through a portal from Xanjuix Karr. My cousin is the Windmaster there and he is in frequent contact with the Ourobi. He would be willing to tell you if any suspicious travelers have crossed that way recently.



    What do you need?
    Yes, now that you mention it a few Ogran have come this way not long ago. They were a rough looking sort, very suspicious looking in fact. They passed through the portal to Phenos, or so I am told. If that was their true destination then they would have passed by my colleague, Nabai.


    • None


    • 1200 experience
    • 2 50
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 22
    - Requires level 19
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. A Hastened Escape
    2. Destination: Phenos
    3. Strange Visitors