1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Knowledge is Power


Return the Dusty Talrok Scroll to Agent Thirmal to uncover its secrets.


    The dusty scroll was tucked tightly behind the slain Talrok’s belt. Scrawled on the thin parchment is a map of Haggon Shores with notes written in the angular script of the Talrok. This information would prove invaluable for the defence of Asheran Forest if the Talrok intend to make inroads there. Return this to Agent Thirmal at Marsh Tower immediately.
    Did you have some information for me?
    As you might have known it is not uncommon for the Kujix to send an scouting party before their main assault lands. The message on this scroll is addressed to a Captain who I must assume is in command of the forces that have already arrived in Haggon Marsh. You have done well, Asharr. This information will ensure the security of Asheran Forest but we must act quickly.



    Quest Facts

    - Level: 31
    - Requires level 28
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start: Dusty Talrok Scroll
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Knowledge is Power
    2. Master and Commander
    3. Skargwatch