1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Whiteknuckle's Fate


Collect Whiteknuckle’s Lance, three Whiteknuckle’s Spear Shard, Whiteknuckle’s Shield, and Whiteknuckle’s Wrappings.


Whiteknuckle always trying to prove himself to the other Ogran. When he come to Stormshatter Post for the big attack the other warrior say he as soft as whey. So Whiteknuckle decide to prove them wrong and head off to where the crawlies live, now no one seen him since he went in there. Someone say they hear his warcry from over the hill and little crawlies gettin’ tossed in the air. Others say his warcry sound like kitten. You find out what happen to him while I take care of some of dem crawlies?
What you find?
Maybe Whiteknuckle not so soft after all! I tellin’ him dis a job for a professional.


  • 4570 experience
  • 9 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 25
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes