1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

A War on Two Fronts


Speak with Captain Ismail at the Sun, and Captain Zarji at Jaxar Viss.


Our forces here are drawn in two directions, friend. Captain Ismail has taken a squad to a nearby rock formation known as The Sun, and Captain Zarji has gone south to the ruins at Jaxar Viss. It has been far too long since they have reported back, and I cannot leave this post. I need you to find my captains and bring back their reports.
What news from the fronts?
Ismail and Zarji are skilled with the blade, but they lack the tactics needed for warriors of their rank. You must deliver my orders, and see to it that they follow through


  • None


  • 1470 experience
Quest Facts

- Level: 27
- Requires level 24
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: No