1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Voracious Insects


Collect ten Barq Beetle Samples.


It is quite a wonder that Umat is still sane. While the followers of Vakgarr rejoice in death, we followers of Xukiss pursue a higher calling. In my time here I have noticed a new species of beetle that have infested this murky hole. They feed on the rotting branches that fall from the Swampwalkers. These beetles are not common to this part of Xanjuis Plains and I must have samples so that they can be scryed and their existence recorded.
Do you have them?
As you see, Kujix, the followers of Xukiss always seek to understand the unknown. Perhaps with the proper modifications even these simple Barq Beetles could be of some service to our cause.


  • None


  • 4090 experience
  • 8 75
Quest Facts

- Level: 25
- Requires level 22
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes