1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Decoy


Defeat Warcaller Braug.


The time has come to put our plan in to action. Seek out Warcaller Braug in the Murk and incite him to do battle. Tell him that you are Adynn Peacemantle and the fool will attempt to use the soulbranded blade against you. I will be nearby with a brigade of the Peacesworn ready to come to your aid, but I doubt you will need it.



The Warcaller still lives, your task is not complete.
The decoy plan worked just as we hoped. You have done myself and the Peacemantle a great service today.


  • 2110 experience
  • 16 25
Quest Facts

- Level: 39
- Requires level 36
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes