1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Eight Legs, No Heart


Destroy ten of the Obsidian Creepers that you find in Xukiss Landing.


When the old temple was destroyed we saw many of the animations that poured from the Factory. I can only wonder if the animations here are similar to those that still reside in Xukiss Landing. If you were to defeat some of these Obsidian Crawlers in battle then I am sure you would be able to tell the difference immediately. Report back to me if these two types of creature share any similarities.



What have you discovered?
No, I did not think that the animations we saw when we evacuated the old temple were the same as those attacking us here. Thank you for conducting this investigation for me. It would seem that the source of these attacks may have to do with more than just Xukiss.



  • 7450 experience
  • 96 60
Quest Facts

- Level: 46
- Requires level 43
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes