1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Cryptic Texts


Collect pages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Cryptic Skix Manual and return them to Silverwar.


The journal was tucked neatly in the belt pouch of one of the slain Skix, but many of the pages are missing. Attempt to recover all of the pages and return with them and the journal to Vellus.
This journal is incomplete I cannot begin to decode it.
The pages you have recovered detail the crafting of some fumigation device that the Skix are using to spread their toxins to the Phochi. I am not familiar with the specific type but certainly it is a modified version of a Daysix Atomizer.



  • 6490 experience
  • 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 40
- Requires level 37
- Side:   
- Start: Cryptic Skix Manual
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Cryptic Texts
  2. Prototype
  3. The Test