1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Sound and the Fury


Return with one Moonstone, one Dreadbone, and two Saltclaw Shells.


According to legend, Adynn once blew the ancient Horn of Furious Anger. The sound petrified the enemy army in terror and many were felled where they shook in their boots. I believe I can recreate that horn, but I need the remaining materials to do it. You may need to seek out a professional crafter to obtain these items.
To think, that ancient horn could exsist once again...
Fantastic! I will get to work recreating the Horn of Furious Anger. This could be a great tool towards victory.



  • 7450 experience
  • 96 60
Quest Facts

- Level: 46
- Requires level 43
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes