1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Tagar's Bounty


Hunt down and kill Tagar Mortis at the nearby Skix Camp.


One of the wickedest Skix that I have ever heard of is in a camp not far from here. If you can survive the Phochi, you will find Tagar Mortis high above Blackshad Tears. He and his men have been raiding and looting the Peacemantle camps for weeks now.
What do you want?
Idiot! You continue to test my patience with you brazen actions. Aveon would have handled this situation much better. You continue to use the same ham fisted tactics without any regard for their repercussions.



  • 6650 experience
  • 86 10
Quest Facts

- Level: 41
- Requires level 38
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes