1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Corporate Gains


Collect ten HUD Decoy Parts for Tejmax.


As entrepreneurs, HUD convoys come under attack quite often when transporting goods, as they use mercenary guards for most of their protection and they are not ones to give their lives for a job. One place in particular is constantly under attack; but that is part of the genius of the HUD. By offering this convoy on an almost daily basis, it throws off the scent of the truly important goods moved secretly. A sacrificial lamb, if you will. We’d like you to search this area for anything of interest and bring it back to us for study.



Have you found those parts?
Excellent. We’ll continue to study these bits, and you keep bringing them to us on a daily basis.


  • None


  • 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Type: Daily
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: No