1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Road is Long


Find Boss Jin at the Taxa Jin farm located southwest of Adrok.


    Maybe you know plenty about the Brokefist in Xyjar Shag, but they small time. Out here we got real troubles. The Whey don’t come as easy as it used to. Boss Jin at Taxa Jin got all kinds of troubles. He fallin’ behind of deliveries for Xanjuix Karr. You find him southwest of Adrok, hard to miss Taxa Jin.
    Grup tell you all this about the whey not so easy to get. Well he right! Scarecrows gone crazy, got Nidgit in the field and Xanjuix Karr expectin’ shipment some time soon. Glad you here but sometimes me think Grup better off keepin’ his mouth shut.


    • None


    • 730 experience
    • 25
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 5
    - Requires level 2
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes