1. Remember Me

  2. OR   



Find Seeder Thylla near the road leading to Shrill Pond, northwest from Thicket Bend.


    The followers of Triasha can be quite strange at times. You never know exactly what they are up to, just a lot of talk about balance and such. There was one, Seeder Thylla, she spends most of her time alone in the wilds but I saw her not too long ago near Shrill Pond to the west. I called out to her but she acted like I wasn’t even there. I’m no fool, best not to get in the way of the Seeders. But… she did look worried. I’ll not leave Thicket Bend any time soon, you should check in on her if you pass that way.
    Fash… Fash… Ah yes, Gordon! He is one of the settlers in Thicket Bend, yes? I am sorry I must be short there is much here to be restored.


    • None


    • 2170 experience
    • 1 95
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 13
    - Requires level 10
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes