1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Hermit Habis


Find Habis in Stonesledge southwest of Goobnok.


    Your reputation precedes you, Kujix. There are others like me who seek to carve a profit out of Xanjuis Plains. Those with true grit can find a way, but others are consumed by the barren landscape. There was a time when a merchant called Habis spoke of starting a new trading post far to the west of here at Stonesledge but rumor has it he was driven mad by the solitude of the plains. You might take some time and look for him. You never know there might be some profit in it after all. Hah, there I go again sounding like I had sworn to the HUD!
    Called me crazy did she? That’s just like Azraq. No vision you see. That was always her problem – no vision at all.


    • None


    • 100 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 23
    - Requires level 20
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes