1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Try Again


Recover the Sandsong Relic Box from Sandsong Temple and return to Hanna Lusien.


I think you where on the right track with the map but these fish heads couldn't possibly be what the Frognar at Sandsong where guarding. Look here on the map, you see that right? It looks like a chest of some sort. Go back to Sandsong Temple and see if you can recover the Sandsong Relic Box.
Did you find it?
This is more like it! These relics seem to be extremely old and I have seen something like this before. There is a story, nothing more than a myth, about the Frognar possessing idols of great power and using them to raise the seas in Sandshore. What do you think it could mean?


  • None


  • 3130 experience
  • 2 85
Quest Facts

- Level: 19
- Requires level 16
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Great Frognar Treasure
  2. Try Again