1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Frame Up


Collect a Fresh Kurog Corpse and take it to the Rukuz Ceremonial Pike so the Kurog will see it.


It's obvious that whatever alliance that the Rukuz and Kurog have is tenuous at best. If we were able to shatter that trust and get them fighting each other we might have a chance at victory here. If you can find the fresh corpse of a Rukuz take it to one of the ceremonial pikes near the outskirts of Kurog territory and hang it there so the Rukuz might see it. With any luck we'll have them fighting each other instead of us.



This looks like the perfect place to put the corpse.
This pike is a perfect place to leave the Kurog corpse. With any luck other Kurog will see it if they pass by.


  • None


  • 4570 experience
  • 9 80
Quest Facts

- Level: 28
- Requires level 25
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Frame Up
  2. Rukuz Alibi