1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The End of Brennon


Slay Brennon Taag and take his head to Simon Dan in Muck Trader.


Very well, Asharr, but to be fair I warned you. It's true I saw Taag not long ago down near the coast. There is a small rocky patch of land the locals call Palm Jut. I saw him and a few of his men in the area but I didn't stay long enough to attract attention. Simon, in Muck Trader, had a run-in with Brennon not too long ago and nearly lost an eye in the process. I won't deny that seeing him brought to justice would bring a smile to Simon's face. If you are lucky enough to finish him off it would do well to bring proof of it to Simon.
Brennon Taag? it's a fool's errand, I tell ya.
Had you not returned with the bandit's head I wouldn't have believed you. Brennon has been causing trouble from here to Hedge Tent for some time now but I have a feeling that whomever he was working are still on the loose.


  • None


  • 4200 experience
  • 2 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 15
- Requires level 12
- Type: Group
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes