1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Ask Almaris to End the Quarantine


Gather information on the quarantine from Warpriest Almaris and deliver it to Imperial Register Sainomor. Both are located in Asheran City.


This quarantine will not last forever, these people must know that. Can they truly not see that their ire is misplaced? Do they not realize that there is no other choice. Perhaps you can help deliver the message to them. Travel to the captial city of Asheran. Seek out Warpriest Almaris at the Fire of Zanyana and ask him when the quarantine will end. Then, deliver the details to Imperial Register Sainomor in the center of Asheran. He will spread the word to the people.
I will spread the message... but first, I need to know what that message is. You must speak to Warpriest Almaris before you come to me.
The people will not take this news well, even if I tell them it comes from you. You are considered a hero by many for keeping the Warpriests from destroying Greenvale in hopes of cleansing it, but even your great name will not calm them about the quarantine. If only you could find the source of this evil, then you could stop it and put an end to this madness.


  • None


  • 3550 experience
  • 7 35
Quest Facts

- Level: 21
- Requires level 21
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes