1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Sinking of the Valmart


Collect the lost treasure from the wreck of the Valmart off the coast of Nazrun.


For so long Nazrun has been a backwater outpost and supplying our agents here is more difficult that you can possibly imagine. The fact that the Asharr and Kujix now fight within the city has brought even more problems down on our heads. The Valmart was a great ship commissioned by the HUD to bring vital supplies to Nazrun to help in our fight against the Bloodtusk. As she approached the harbor both the Asharr and Kujix laid waste to the vessel. She is now at the bottom of the sea and all her cargo lost with her. Along with the, uh, supplies, was a chest. It was important, you see. It must be recovered at all costs. Search for the Valmart off the coast of Nazrun and return to me with the contents of the chest. Make haste!



Have you found it?
So you did find it? I don't need to explain myself. This stays between us, do you hear?


  • None


  • 5200 experience
  • 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 34
- Requires level 31
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes