1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Shadows Walk


Do you have it?


The time of victory is soon at hand. I believe our efforts here have weakened the Kujix to a point of breaking but we cannot be sure of their losses. Shadowalker Rekaxi keeps the log of the dead and wounded Kujix in Nazrun. If you can find her and recover the log we can know for certain how effective our efforts here have been. I warn you, Asheroth, this is not a task I would undertake alone.
Slay Shadowalker Rekaxi and recover the Kujix Duty Roster.
This log explains so much. I am certain now that soon the Kujix will know what true balance means!


  • None


  • 5000 experience
  • 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 34
- Requires level 31
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes