1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Obsidian Research


Kill ten Obsidian Researchers in Nazrun.


Triasha bless you this day, Asheroth. As you no doubt have heard throughout Teldis the earth mother has begun to reclaim this realm and restore balance but the forces of Xukiss are unwilling to concede defeat easily. The Obsidian Researchers continue in their search for Obsidian technology that would keep Teldis under the control of their God. The time has come that we scourge these lands of the forces of Xukiss once and for all. The battle will be waged here in Nazrun.
Have you stopped the Obsidian Researchers?
You have struck a mortal blow to the enemy, Asheroth. Triasha will soon show us the way to restore the final balance.


  • None


  • 5200 experience
  • 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 34
- Requires level 31
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes