1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Blessing the Blade


Seek the blessings of the gods. Speak with Calculator Wajt, Necrolyte Arrin, and Arbiter Kynn. Speak with High Scholar Holak when finished.


The gods have much to show you Kujix, but a waterskin filled too quickly and with too much will burst and be cast aside as useless. Your growth will determine your usefulness, and your deeds will show your loyalty. Seek out the trusted three; Calculator Wajt, Necrolyte Arrin, and Arbiter Kynn. Let them give you the approval of the gods you now serve, to prepare you for the coming storm.
You seem confused pup.
The blade in your soul seems bared Kujix. The fire in your eyes stoked and hungry. This is good, for nothing less would be worthy of the glories you are about to witness in this war.


  • None


  • 25 experience
  • 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: No


  1. Answering the Call
  2. Blessing the Blade
  3. Setting off to War
  4. To Blood and Glory!