1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Job: The Trouble with Nidgits


Kill ten Skullseeker Bandits.


According to our forward scouts the Nidgits of Alganon are dangerous, unpredictable, and maddening. Our forces are running into increasing numbers of them, almost as if they are literally crawling out of the woodwork. Many times our study of them has left us to what we believed to be an understanding of their motives, only to have them dashed time and again. One thing is clear; they cannot be trusted. We've heard some rumors concerning one Nidgit in particular. Naturally, asking the Nidgits is folly but our reports indicate that may have had some dealings with the Skullseeker Bandits. If Nidgits begin working with such allies, it could be disastrous. Go and send the Skullseeker a message; their actions will not be tolerated. Seek out the Exodite of Unity here in the city and he will see you off to Bur Clasp, deep in enemy territory.
Have they learned their lesson?
Excellent, let us move on to the second stage of our plan. Here are two scrolls with your next objectives. Read them carefully.


  • You will receive: 25 20


  • 14380 experience
  • 25 20
Quest Facts

- Level: 20
- Requires level 18
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes