1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Task: Final Reckoning


Kill the Shade of Skajix and Fallen Sun Brutas.


Two of those who spin their lies to corrupt the weak-hearted can be found inside the Lether Caves. Destroy them and make them suffer for their betrayal to the gods. One is a twisted creature that is already undead, but possesses many of his facilities through rituals to unclean spirits and the blood of innocents. The other target is Fallen Sun Brutas, a traitor that must be killed and quickly. Return to me when this is done, and bring this scroll with you.
Are they dead?
Our crusade against the necromancers must be carried through to the end, until none would dare to dabble in the dark art.


  • None


  • 14380 experience
  • 25 20
Quest Facts

- Level: 20
- Requires level 18
- Type: Dungeon
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: No