1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Portal Interference


Gather seven Strange Crystals for the Exodite Investigator.


Ah, I see someone who may be of assistance. The Ourubi know of you and would once again enlist your services. Our portals are constantly monitored both for the sake of keeping uses safe and for our own personal research. Recently, we've discovered some interference which has given rise to concern for the system and the search has led me to this area. For your assistance in this matter you would be rewarded, if you are inclined to employment. I have discovered a form of crystal which does not belong in this area. I would like you to gather some further samples of this and bring it back to me for study.
Do you have them?
Yes, quite odd these crystals. We can assume they did not come to be here of their own volition so someone is behind their appearance. While you were out, I received a report that a band of Ogran rebels were seen hauling these crystals. They must be stopped at once.


  • None


  • 62610 experience
  • 1 16 10
Quest Facts

- Level: 42
- Requires level 40
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Portal Interference
  2. Oust the Ogran
  3. Too Simple for Words
  4. Instigators Incorporated
  5. Lord Haverthro