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Recover the Sealed HUD Book from the Seafoam Chompers.


Ah, my fortune must be taking a change for the better! I've heard quite a bit about you from other HUD members. Quite a busy body, so to speak, eh? That's good! Some do things in the world and others only talk about it. Let me cut to the chase then. A valuable item of mine has been lost. The delivery boy that was bringing it to me seems to have run afoul of the local Chomper population; at least his remains seem to point to this. I'd like you to "check" the local beasts in hopes of finding it. Don't worry about the book, it won't be destroyed by anything as simple as a Chomper's belly.
You uh, haven't seen it yet have you?
Ah praise the gods! You are a godsend after all. Now then, if you're up for it I have more work for someone of your caliber.


  • None


  • 56200 experience
  • 1 10 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 40
- Requires level 38
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Sign Here
  2. Once a Thief...
  3. Dark Tidings
  4. Crack the Skull
  5. Grave Silence