1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

In the Reeds


Gather five Gartweed and return to Horace.


No, no, no. Of course they aren't aggart tracks - aggart tend to shift their left foot when they stand idle which leaves a peculiar print. The tracks you've described favor the right side, which clearly indicates snike. Now that we know for certain they're in the area we need a way to draw them in. Snike are known to feed on a reed-like plant called gartweed that coincidentally is very good at replicating a snike mating call. If you collect five or so of these reeds I can fashion a call that will fool even the most intelligent snike.



Why do they call it gartweed I wonder? You'd think snikeweed would be more appropriateā€¦
Perfect! This gartweed will work perfectly. Distract yourself for a bit while I fashion our snike calls.


  • None


  • 76380 experience
  • 1 26 90
Quest Facts

- Level: 46
- Requires level 43
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. The Hunt Is On
  2. Tracking the Snike
  3. In the Reeds
  4. Sniping Snike