1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Something to Lye About


Gather Campfire Charcoal from the Aldonar fire pit, and place it in the water bucket near Bradley.


What's that friend? Why yes, in fact there is one more thing you can do for me. I'll be busy rendering this fat, and I need the other key ingredient - lye. Charcoal lye will do the trick nicely, and it happens that we have a decent supply of that over at the campfire. You'd be doing me a favor by taking some charcoal from that fire and placing it in the water bucket here to start the process. I'll take it from there.



Just gather the charcoal from the fire and place it in the bucket here. I'll take care of the rest.
"You've been a great help, friend. If you ever need some soap I'm sure we'll have a good amount left over once I'm done rendering this - not that I'm suggesting you're in need of any soap. Though frankly, I'm not suggesting you DON'T either…"


  • None


  • 87560 experience
  • 1 35
Quest Facts

- Level: 49
- Requires level 46
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Brew the Fat
  2. Something to Lye About