1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Angel of War


Speak to Carlan Truesight at Gnollclash.


    It is fortunate you are here. Reports have informed us that the three great gnoll tribes to the southwest may prove a threat to everything we have been fighting for. In the past the tribes have spent most of their time warring with each other, but recently their hostilities have slacked. It's anyone's guess as to why, but what we do know is that bands of them have been seen roaming the lands outside of their territories, even extending at times within the boundaries of this marsh. At the least this complicates things. Gnolls are never a steadying influence. At the worst this could mean that they will begin raiding lands the Peacemantle are protecting, perhaps even - gods forbid - working together. One of my most trusted men has tracked their movements and could use your help. Head to Gnollclash and Find Carlan Truesight.
    The gnolls are on the brink of war.
    Galhad sent you?


    • None


    • 47200 experience
    • 85 50
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 37
    - Requires level 34
    - Side:   
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Angel of War
    2. Into the Clash
    3. Misdirect the Rottwards
    4. Misdirect the Wetmane
    5. Misdirect the Footpaw