1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Delicate Reintroduction


Travel to Asheran and seek out Bredon Furyslayer to tell him of your promotion.


    Well done kid, well done. Today's lesson is a bit different than those we've been working on the past few days. Today we're going to study a chapter on military promotions from the UCANRAWR. What? What do you mean you've never heard of the UCANRAWR? Why that is the Uniform Code of Asharr Naval, Reconnaissance, Armies and Weaponsmiths Regulations. That's the code of military justice by which we live our lives. Now sit down and listen up. Section 1.02.065 Part B, subsection 12(b) paragraph 5 clause 1, lines 1 - 12 and I quote... Hrrmm. "A participating soldier in the first part, unranked and unknown among said Superior Commanders as specified in paragraph 4 section 1 or section 2(b) sub-section 1(c) 'Regional Watch Commanders' as named concordant with Part A, paragraph 14 sections 2-5 'Military Jurisdiction During Times of Declaration of War of Convergence Focal Confrontations' may at that time be placed upon the second tier of recommendation for further military promotion by such adjunct commandership whereupon the completion of serious battlefield activity as defined in UCANRAWR Section 1.01 Battlefield Fortifications and Structures, under Subsection 3, 5, 12-15 or 22 and such derivative and ancillary sections, subsections or paragraphs as may exist at this time, or as enacted by UCANRAWR official policy doctrine committees or establishments in the future, has occurred." Do you have any idea what that means? Ha! Well let me tell you exactly what it means. You in this case i


    • Renown (Renown Level 2)


    Time is of the essence.
    You! I remember you! Don't you act like I'm not talking to you! Come here child... come here. Did I not tell you before tha- Hey... what is this here? Where did you get that battle ribbon young one? Bah! Don't tell me you earned that? Wait. So you are saying the reports on our enemies from Greenvale have come from your hands? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Well then, in that case I have an offer for you.


    • None


    • 640 experience
    • 320 renown 
    • 6 40
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 10
    - Requires level 10
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. The Rising Tide
    2. A Call to Arms
    3. Miscommunication
    4. Bring Me Those Reports
    5. Delicate Reintroduction
    6. An Introduction to the Quartermaster