1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

You Need to Move Fast


Travel west of Asheran on the bank of the river to Kidnapper's Shore and rescue Nila Cole from Gurzek Vesaj.


I'm glad you're still here. I just received an urgent message from our scout near Asheran. The kidnappers are on the move and they have Nila Cole with them. She's very much alive... for the moment. Rush west of Asheran on the bank of the river at Kidnapper's Shore immediately and attempt to rescue Nila Cole. It's your only chance to redeem yourself with Arin Cole. He may be so overjoyed that he gives you a reward.
Is that scum Gurzek Vesaj dead?
Thank Triasha, you've saved me.


  • None


  • 2608 experience
  • 1304 renown 
  • 26 8