1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

No Quarter


Kill any enemy Keep Commander.


We've gone over the reports, gathered our best tacticians, and amassed an impressive strike force to take down the enemy. Now all we need is someone to strike the spark, and that seems to be you. Your orders are to select an enemy Keep Commander and kill them. Whatever and wherever the target is, once you've dealt the final blow we'll be able to move in and sweep up the remains. This operation will be spearheaded by you and our units will be operating from the shadows. Good luck Ghost and remember; the gods are watching.


  • Renown (Renown Level 14)


It never changes, does it?
Although it may not seem like it from the ground level, every victory matters in the long view. You’re a hero even if you don’t feel like one Ghost.


  • None


  • 1447 renown 
  • 1
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Making the Rounds
  2. Rest in Pieces
  3. Final Salute
  4. Testing Security
  5. Urgent Intelligence
  6. No Quarter